Friday, August 23, 2013

Miracle that gave Guruji Siddhis


This narrative gives some information about the life of Sri Siva Jothi Mona Siddhar, of whom I previously wrote at these links: here, here and here. The below tells about the miracle that gave Guruji the siddhi to read people’s minds. 

The story of the miracle goes like this: 

Kanchangiri is connected to Thiruvalam Temple by a legend. In the legend, the Nandhi (Lord Shiva’s Bull Mount) of Thiruvalam Temple destroyed the Hill demon Kanchan. After holy water was sprinkled on the demon’s flesh pieces (which lay scattered around the Hill) the pieces were transformed into Swayambu Lingams. 

Nandhi attacking the Demon (at Thiruvalam Temple)

Large Nandhi Guarding Thiruvalam Temple

With information of the legend, a number of researchers from an Ashram in Coimbatore visited the place. After arrival the group arranged all of the 100 Lingams at one place upon a plateau on Kanchangiri

The location of Kanchangiri is about seven kilometres from Ranipet en route Ponnai. After crossing a village called Agravaram, there is a spot known as Lalapet from which place Kanchangiri is visible. One can also come by way of Melpadi, at a distance of five kilometres. 


Kanchangiri 2

Kanchangiri 3

Exactly four years previously, Guruji stayed in Kanchangiri Temple’s Ashram, at the back of which was a Kanni Temple and this is the exact spot where Guruji was bestowed divine powers by Lord Shiva.

Following an incident in his life, Guruji stopped taking food, and continued in this manner for seven months whilst staying at Kanchangiri Temple’s Ashram. One day, when his body was in a dire condition, and there was no hope left for him, he prayed to Lord Unnamulai Ammal, tearfully beseeching, “you give food to the whole World, so why can’t you take care of my needs and feed me?” 

Immediately on uttering this pray, five ladies and five men suddenly appeared and came to Guruji and laid him on the floor. The five ladies sat below the head of the prostrate body, and the five men sat above the head. Each of the five ladies started to remove parts of Guruji’s body, bit by bit, and made up small packages of the body parts. 

During this whole process Guruji felt absolutely no pain. Finally only his head remained. Thereupon the ladies said, “give these small packages, to those that come to meet you, as prasadam.” 

Sri Siva Jothi Mona Siddhar

After this, the five men sitting above him, placed their hands upon Guruji’s head and after a few moments disappeared. At that very moment Guruji’s body reappeared and from that time till this day, Guruji has not had a single problem with his body, even though he hasn’t taken solid food in the last four years. 

Some days after this incident whilst Guruji was in meditation, a Lingam suddenly appeared. In his excitement he tried to touch and lift the Lingam but as it was so heavy he wasn’t able to move it even an inch. Upon being unable to move the Lingam, he decided to perform a puja, so stood up in order to perform the ritual; as he stood the Lingam also lifted up to his position, slowly came towards him, and then mingled with him. 

From that time onwards Guruji has been able to read peoples’ minds and see and understand their problems. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Sun will soon flip its Magnetic Field

In an earlier posting on Arunachala Mystic entitled “Meaning of Uttarayana and Dakshinayana”, I wrote about the significance of the two seasonal calendar delineations Uttarayana and Dakshinayana, and how the change in the Sun’s relationship with Earth has a significant impact on our lives. 

Further to this correlation between the movement of the sun and its effect on Earth and its inhabitants, I recently read an interesting article on an upcoming shift of the sun’s magnetic field. Below I am posting an extract from a NASA supported narrative detailing this phenomenon, and also a supplementary video. 

As seasonal changes have such a strong impact on our lives, it will be interesting to note the changes effected by the upcoming change in the sun’s magnetic field:-

"In an event that occurs once every 11 years, the magnetic field of the sun will change its polarity in a matter of months, according to information from accredited observatories. 

The flipping of the sun's magnetic field marks the peak of the star's 11-year solar cycle and the halfway point in the sun's "solar maximum" — the peak of its solar weather cycle. 

It is believed that the earth is three to four months away from a complete field reversal and the change will have ripple effects throughout the solar system. 

Amazing Sun Storm Photo

As the field shifts, the "current sheet" — a surface that radiates billions of kilometers outward from the sun's equator — becomes very wavy. Earth orbits the sun, dipping in and out of the waves of the current sheet. It was reported by observatory officials that the transition from a wave to a dip can create stormy space weather around Earth. 

The sun's magnetic field is gearing up to shift, a once in an 11 year event, according to NASA officials. [NASA websites here and here.]

Shift of the Sun's Magnetic Field

The sun's polar magnetic fields weaken, go to zero, and then emerge again with the opposite polarity. This is a regular part of the solar cycle." While the polarity shift can stir up some stormy weather, it also provides extra shielding from dangerous cosmic rays. These high-energy particles, which are accelerated by events like supernova explosions, travel through the Universe at nearly the speed of light; they can harm satellites and astronauts in space but the wrinkled current sheet better protects the planet from these particles. 

 Video explaining the Sun's Magnetic Shift

The effects of the rippled sheet can also be felt throughout the solar system, far beyond Pluto and even touching the barrier of interstellar space. 

The sun's north pole has already changed, while the south pole is racing to catch up. Soon, however, both poles will be reversed, and the second half of solar max will be underway. 

Experts have said that the current solar maximum is the weakest in 100 years. Usually, at the height of a solar cycle, sunspot activity increases. These dark regions on the sun's surface can give birth to solar flares and ejections, but there have been fewer observed sunspots this year than in the maximums of previous cycles. 

Perhaps in response to nervousness from members of the public, researchers are assuring us that we have nothing to fear from the big solar change about to occur and that “The world will not end tomorrow." To read a current report entitled, “Sun’s Magnetic Field Flip Won’t Doom Earth, Scientists Say,” go to this link here.

Somasutra Pradakshinam 2

In an earlier posting at this link I posted a narrative explaining how to perform the special form of circumambulation of Shiva during Pradosham which is called Somasutra Pradakshinam. 

Subsequent to that posting I have found a very nice easy to understand diagram on the internet which shows more clearly the method of this special circumambulation. 

Somasutra Pradakshinam

How to perform Somasutra Pradhakshinam (circumambulation during pradosham) 

1. First we pray to Rishaba (Nandi) 
2. Go anti-clockwise and pray to Chandikeswarar without crossing Gomukhi. 
3. Go clockwise from Chandikeswarar to pray to Rishaba and on to Chandikeswarar without crossing Gomukhi. 
4. Go anti-clockwise and pray to Rishaba on to Chandikeswarar without crossing Gomukhi. 
5. Go clockwise from Chandikeswarar without praying to Rishaba and reach Gomukhi but don't cross. 
6. Go anti-clockwise towards Rishaba and pray and reach Chandikeswarar without crossing Gomukhi. 
7. Finally go clockwise from Chandikeswarar towards Rishaba and view Shiva through the two horns of Nandi (Rishaba) the Holy Bull. 

This is called one pradakshinam, we have to perform three such pradakshinams during Pradosha Kalam. 

Nandi – The Bull; is also called Rishaba or Vrishaba 
Chandikeswara – Chandikeswara is the connection between Shiva and Durga and his idol is on the north side of the Shiva’s Sanctum. 
Gomukhi – The holy water from the abhisekam which flows out towards the north direction of the sanctum. 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Sri Siva Jothi Mona Siddhar Ashram

In an earlier posting at this link here, I uploaded photographs of Sri Siva Jothi Mona Siddhar, a Swami with a small ashram close to Tiruvannamalai. I hope to soon post biographical information about the life and spiritual journey of this Swami, but in the meantime am posting the below photographs of Swami's rustic Ashram, and of him at rest. 

The area is surrounded by rugged rock outcrops

The Small Temple in the foreground

The Ashram Temple and Bhajan Hall

The day of a function at the Ashram

Visitors and villagers participate in the function

Swami ever engaged in meeting and counselling devotees

Preparing thread bracelet to be worn as protection
Swami, a great animal lover, at complete rest

From the several stories of Swamiji that I have already heard, Sri Siva Jothi Mona Siddhar had to face a myriad of difficulties and obstacles in his spiritual path. When he was younger he had to often suffer from hunger, as he had insufficient to feed or look after himself. Subsequently he feeds for free all visitors that now visit his Ashram, which sometimes number over 300 people a day. Many pilgrims, devotees or those in need journey to Swami for cures to illnesses as he is noted to be a healer. Others go to him for guidance and advice in both their worldly and spiritual lives. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Meaning of Uttarayana and Dakshinayana

For information and photographs of Ani Brahmostavam as is celebrated at Arunachaleswarar Temple, Tiruvannamalai and which commemorates Dakshinayana and marks the beginning of the sun’s movement in a southerly direction go to this posting here

For those interested in the esoteric significance of the two seasonal calendar delineations of Uttarayana and Dakshinayana, below is an interesting and thought provoking narrative. 

Meaning of Uttarayana and Dakshinayana 

The summer solstice falls in the month of June (corresponds to the Tamil month of Ani) and marks the beginning of Dakshinayana, which means in the Earth’s sky the Sun begins to trace a southward movement in the northern hemisphere of the planet. 

Similarly, the winter solstice, which falls in the month of December, marks the beginning of Uttarayana or the northern run of the Sun. The half of the year from the beginning of Uttarayana in December to the beginning of Dakshinayana in June is known as jnana pada. The other half of the year from the beginning of Dakshinayana to the beginning of Uttarayana is known as the sadhana pada. In terms of sadhana, Dakshinayana is for purification, Uttarayana is for enlightenment. 

A New Dawn

The change in the Sun’s relationship with the planet has a significant impact on lives of people, particularly for those who inhabit the region of the earth between eighteen degrees north to forty-eight degrees north latitude, because this part of the earth gets the maximum impact in this shift. A human being cannot escape anything that happens to the planet – I am not talking in environmental terms – because what you call as "myself" is just a piece of this planet, and a more sensitive and far more receptive part of the planet than what is there as earth. So whatever happens to the planet will happen a thousand-fold more within the human system. It is just that it takes some sensitivity and receptivity to experience it and make use of it. 

Many people are making use of it in unconscious ways, not knowing what they are doing. Unconsciously, on certain days they behave in a certain way. Every human being, no matter what level of competency he has reached in his life, either a great athlete or an artist or a musician or a politician or an intellectual, whatever he may be, will for some unknown reason seem to function better on certain days and certain times. And for some unknown reason he does not seem to do the same things as well on another day. This is not just about you. The whole dynamics of the planet and the system is working upon you. 

In the northern hemisphere of the planet, Uttarayana is the time of fulfilment, Dakshinayana is the time of receptivity. They are also understood as – the first six months from January to June are masculine in nature, and the duration of the southern run is the feminine phase of the Earth. The earth changing her fabric from being masculine to feminine is very significant for a sadhaka because we are moving into the six months of sadhana phase where receptivity is good. 

So Uttarayana and Dakshinayana have a significant impact on how the human system functions. Accordingly, spiritual aspirants shift their tone of activity – when the sun is in the northern run they are one way, when it moves to the southern dimension they are in a different way. During the southern run, what is below the Anahata chakra can be purified very easily. During the northern run, what is above the Anahata can be worked much more easily. 

If you look at the chakras as two different dimensions, the lower ones, the Manipura, the Svadhishthana, and Muladhara are more concerned in keeping the body stable, rooted. These are the earth qualities. They pull you to the Earth. It is nature. The more you ascribe your energies to these three centres, the more your qualities will become earthy and in the grip of nature. The upper ones, the Vishuddhi, Agna, and Sahasrara are three centres which are always taking you away. If your energies become dominant in these centres, it is pulling you away from Earth. These centres make you open to another force which we normally refer to as Grace – it is always trying to take you away from Earth. So between the first three and the last three, the first three are pulling you towards the Earth, the last three are pulling you away from the Earth. Anahata is a balance between the two. 

The human body, if brought to a certain level of intensity and sensitivity, is a cosmos by itself. Everything that happens in the external sphere, in a subtle way, manifests in the body. It is happening to everybody, it is just that most people do not notice this. But a more organised and purposeful rearrangement of the human mechanism could be done if one becomes conscious of the external movement and aligns that with the movement that is happening within the human system. If you want this body of flesh and bone to imbibe the nature of the cosmic body, understanding and being in tune with this movement of Uttarayana and Dakshinayana is very essential. 

[By Sadhguru] 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Visit to Swami's Ashram

In an earlier posting at this link I wrote about my first meeting with Sri Siva Jothi Mona Siddhar, during his short recent visit to Tiruvannamalai.

Swamiji’s Ashram is located a short distance from Tiruvannamalai and an increasing number of people are daily visiting him for his help, inspiration and support. Swamiji is becoming a renowned healer and siddhar and many turn up for either guidance in their lives (both spiritual and worldly) and/or with hopes for Swamiji’s healing of their physical woes.

Sri Siva Jothi Mona Siddhar

Yesterday I went to Swamiji’s Ashram (with some friends) for the first time. I had several matters I wanted to discuss with Swamiji, one of which was to ask for his help in healing a chronic ulcer on my leg.

He applied vibhutti to my wound in 12-15 strong downward vigorous motions. Afterwhich he gave me blessed vibhutti with instructions to apply the ash to my wound twice a day in the same manner. He also gave me three lemons which he held in his hands for some time and told me to daily drink the juice of one lemon with a pinch of vibhutti and salt. He advised me to continue with my allopathic medication and assured me that the ulcer would soon be healed.

Providing guidance and support to devotees and visitors

Swamijii does not take food himself (limiting himself to just a liquid diet), but because of the problems he encountered for many years when he was engaged in extensive sadhana, he now takes it upon himself to feed all who visit his ashram – which often amounts to many hundreds of devotees each day. 

I shall write more about this fascinating Swamiji in the coming months. 

Illuminated Karumariamman on the way home from Ashram

Friday, July 5, 2013

Soma Sutra Pradakshina

I just posted photographs and a narrative of the July 5, 2013 Pradosham as observed at the Arunachaleswarar Temple here at Tiruvannamalai. 

To view the posting please go to this link here

During the time of Pradosham a special type of circumambulating called Soma Sutra Pradakshina is done. 

During the time of Pradosham, Soma Sutra Pradakshina is the suggested method of circumambulating God. In some Temples this is always followed. In this method the gomukhi is never crossed. The gomukhi is the place where Abhishekam water is flowing Northwards. By doing this method of Pradakshina one does not step over the holy water. 

As per the above marked symbols this pradakshina goes thus: 

First saluting Rishabham Devar (Nandi the Bull) go anti-clockwise and salute Chandichar (not crossing the gomukhi). 

Now return in a clockwise manner and salute Rishabham and continue clockwise until reaching the gomukhi (again don’t cross). 

Then return in an anti-clockwise direction, salute the Rishabham again and proceed towards Chandichar. 

From there return back clockwise without worshipping the Rishabham and reach the gomukhi. 

Finally return back anti-clockwise from there to salute Rishabham Devar and continue to Chandichar and return back to Rishabham and worship the Shiva Lingam (at the altar) by viewing through the space between the two horns of the Holy bull. 

This is one pradakshina. Three such times pradakshina are to be done. 

The curve traced by doing the pradakshina is very similar to the periphery of the crescent moon. Hence this way of circumambulating is called Soma Sutra Pradakshina.